Pitching a Ball
toroboposition controlNew Torobo and New Torobo Hand in Isaac Sim and MuJoCo
isaac simmujocoBipedal Walking by reinforcement learning in Isaac Sim and Validating Trained Policy in MuJoCo
toroboreinforcement learningisaac simmujocoHammering a nail
toroboimpedance controlSawing wood using impedance control
toroboimpedance controlBox transportation using a puppet-type teleoperation device
toroboteleoperationpuppeteeringTorque and Impedance control of Torobo Hand
torobo handimpedance controlTable wiping using impedance control
toroboimpedance controlShock absorption using impedance control
toroboimpedance controlTorobo Hand
torobo handWhole-body humanoid robot - Torobo
toroboShoebox picking with Torobo GTC
logisticsgtcShoebox picking with Torobo GTC (with depth)
logisticsgtcServer check demo at datacenter
tolondatacenterAutonomous Case-handling Robots
tolonlogisticsWhole-body humanoid robot - Toala
toalaMobile Manipulator - Tolon
tolonRemote force control using Torobo
toroboteleoperationbilateral controlRemote Control of Humanoid Robot Toala
toalateleoperationmotion capturePalletizing with Mobile Gripper
mobile gripperlogisticsBilateral control demo of a remote humanoid
flagshipteleoperationbilateral controlAll our videos can be found on Youtube. Please check them out.